Segnalo la possibilità di scaricare un white paper di The Content Factor, dedicato al come e al perchè dedicare risorse al corporate blogging. Mi sembra valga davvero la pena di dargli un’occhiata.

Credo sia interessante riassumere qui i 10 consigli base:

1. Read Before You Write.
2. Links Are Key.
3. Don’t Use Your Own Blog to Sing the Praises of Your Company.
4. Don’t Spam in Comments or Email.
5. Monitor What Bloggers Are Saying About You.
6. Don’t Do Denial.
7. Comments—Tread Carefully.
8. Set Your Employees Free (Because They Already Are).
9. Don’t Forget Traditional Marketing and PR.
10. Aggregators Are Great—But Start Small.

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