Ho appena ricevuto una newsletter da Grasshopper.co.uk, con 5 interessanti e divertenti errori (li riporto senza tradurli perche’ sono pigro).
Morale: per fare una campagna internazionale tradurre non basta, ma se lo fai almeno fallo bene…

1: Parker Pens launched an ad campaign in Mexico and the strapline, in the native language, read: It won’t leak in your pocket and make you pregnant (well, it was a ball point).

2: Gerber’s new tinned baby food launch in Africa showed, naturally enough, a baby on the label. Unfortunately in Africa, the picture on the tin usually depicts the contents. Baby food anyone?

3: An American biscuit company promoted an on-pack competition to win a weekend in fashionable Milan. Unfortunately the packaging showed a picture of the Eiffel Tower. Perhaps Sarah Palin was the copywriter.

4: Ten years ago Honda introduced its new car as the “Fitta” in Scandanavia only to find “fitta” was Nordic slang for a woman’s genitals. Never mind, the strapline was: ’small on the outside, but large on the inside’.

5: Finally, the whole world knows the Kentucky Fried Chicken slogan ‘finger-lickin’ good’. Sadly in Chinese it came out as ‘eat your fingers off’. Hmm, better go easy on the moist wipes.

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