Il titolo di questo articolo di Matt Jones su AdAge e’ volutamente provocatorio, “Why I hate social media”, ma e’ uno dei migliori articoli che abbia letto sui social media.

Io non odio i social media, ma odio l’approccio che il 99% delle aziende e delle agenzia ha nei confornti dei social media.

Non ha senso fare qualcosa sui social media solo perche’ i social media sono gratis e vanno di moda. Se non hai niente da dire dirlo su Facebook o Twitter non fa altro che amplificare l’inutilita’ dell’iniziativa.

E qui di seguito la parte dell’articolo che preferisco:

“What would happen if we acted on the implications of social media, rather than just use it as cheap media? What if we recognized that social media is really only shorthand for the multi-channel, hyper-connected, user-generated, co-created, always-on world we now live in — a world where the good gets what it deserves and so does the bad? What if we stopped getting all hot and heavy over the latest new media success stories du jour, and starting realizing that the real triumph of, say, the Obama campaign was the product and the story, not the channel used for storytelling? What if we took the social media “revolution” as our cue to stop creating tactical campaigns focused on amplifying our same-same stories and start creating better stuff and better stories to tell? What if we got really bold, and focused on creating products and services so inspired that “social” media does all our storytelling for us?”

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